RDCDS Leeds Branch
A TRIBUTE TO TALENT 96 bar jig for 4 couples in a square set R Goldring
1 – 32 Four reels of four across the dance, all following the same pattern
1 – 8 This reel is danced between the 1st and 3rd men’s places. On bars 1-2, 1st and 3rd men dance in ready to pass by the left, whilst 1st and 3rd women dance into partner’s place ready to join the reel. The men dance a full reel back to place, but the women dance only to the man’s place opposite (3rd man for 1st woman) and cross back to place on bars 7-8. The men finish facing their corner places ready to join the second reel.
9 – 16 This reel is danced between 2nd and 4th women’s places. On bars 9-10, the women dance in ready to pass by the left whilst the 1st and 3rd men dance into the womens’ places. The women dance a full reel back to place but the men dance only to the woman’s place opposite (4th woman for 1st man) and cross back to place on bars 15-16. The women finish facing partner’s place ready to join the third reel.       
17 – 24 This reel is between 2nd and the 4th men’s places and is a repeat of bars 1-8. The two men dance a full reel back to place whilst the women begin by dancing into partner’s place and finish by crossing back from the opposite man’s place. The men finish facing their corner places ready to join the fourth reel.
25 – 32 This reel is between 1st and 3rd women’s places and is a repeat of bars 9-16. The women dance a full reel and the men dance into the women’s places to begin. 1st and 3rd women finish facing their partners.
33 – 36 1st and 3rd couples turn with right hands, about 3/4 round.       
On bars 35 - 36 the women turn with left hands about 3/4 round while the men dance clockwise behind their corner to finish opposite partner. i.e. 1st couple level with 2nd couple, 3rd couple level with 4th couple.
37 – 40 All dance right hands across (e.g. 1st couple with 2nd couple and & 3rd couple with 4th couple).
41 – 44 All dance left hands across in the same groups.
45 - 48 1st and 3rd women (now facing clockwise) turn ¾ round with right hands while 1st and 3rd men (now facing anti-clockwise) dance back to own places , ready to turn partner with left hand on bars 47-48 to finish in own places.
49 – 64 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33-48, with 2nd couple dancing 4 hands across and back with 3rd couple while 4th couple dance similarly with 1st couple.
65 - 72 The women dance a figure of eight, dancing in front of partner, behind their 2nd corner and then in front of him (2nd man for 1st woman) and behind partner to place.
73 – 80 The men dance similarly around their partner and 2nd corner (4th woman for 1st man).
81 – 84 The men set advancing, turning right about on bar 82 to finish back to back in the centre facing partner. All set.
85 – 88 All change places with partner with right hands and set.
89 – 96 All turn partner with right hands and then with left hands (or with Tulloch turns) to finish ready for bows and curtseys.
A Tribute to Talent is inscribed to Derek Haynes, an inspiring teacher, deviser, and dancer.

Compiled by Leeds Branch.    LEEDSCRIBS

©2005 RSCDS Leeds Branch This website created and maintained by Ashton Jones. Please direct all comments and suggestions to