RDCDS Leeds Branch
AUTUMN BREEZE Jig 8x32 3C (4C set) Leaflet Gillian Jennings
1- 8            1s and 2s set, ½ RH across while 3s set and cross RH; 1s and 3s set, ½ RH across, while 2s set and cross RH.
9-16       1s cross RH and cast up one place, 1s cross LH and cast around the person on their left finishing back to back facing their own sides for double triangles.
17-24      1s dance double triangles corners dancing on one place clockwise on both occasions as 1s dance round each other.
25-32      Diagonal RL, 1w up 1m down to begin

Based on MINICRIB by Charles Upton. 

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