ANGUS MACLEOD (R2x64) 4C set A Queen Dances of an Island Clan 1- 8 2s+3s dance into centre to face diagonally in & all set, turn R to face corners, passing RSh change places with corners & set turning R about 9-16 Corners dance out as 2s+3s dance into centre passing RSh & all set, 2s+3s turn R about & turn corners RH once back to centre 17-32 2s+3s LH across once round to face corners, all dance double diagonal reels of 4 giving LH in centre, corners end in original places 33-40 2s+3s change places with partners LH to face prtnrs crnr & set, all turn crnr with nearer hand (2s+3s dance out ends & cast back to centre) 41-48 2s+3s face diagonally in, Set & Points twice 49-56 2s+3s dance out own ends & cast (individually) back into middle again to Set & Points 57-64 2s+3s dance out opp ends (3s making an arch), couples cast round left corner & dance out other end while corners step up/down. 2 1 4 3 |
Based on MINICRIB by Charles Upton.