Scottish Dancing started for me at the age of 6 watching the White Heather Club with Mum. I was fascinated by the Highland Dancing and would say to Mum that I wanted to do that sort of dancing, not ballet. I even tried to copy what they did while watching. She then saw an advert in the Huddersfield Examiner for the Gooden School for Scottish Dancing. She took me to the classes and that is where it all started.
Although I have always done both Highland and Scottish Dancing, Highland took priority. I took part in numerous competitions and championships all over England and Scotland, winning numerous prizes. I took my Highland teachers certificate at the age of 17. It has also allowed me to dance at many international festivals all over the world, with the Galloway dancers. One of the most interesting places I danced was on a floating stage on the Moselle, Krov, Germany at their annual wine festival. You had to get a boat out to the stage. One funny thing was I was just about to start the Broadswords with my fellow dancer also called Kathryn when a speed boat went by at the back of the stage and made the whole stage rock. We both felt like we were being thrown backwards and could very easily have ended up in the Moselle. Fortunately, we managed to stay on our feet to complete the dance without further incident. It was a fun time in my life, dancing at these festivals and making many friends along the way.

After finishing Art College I worked in London for a couple of years, continuing Highland dancing at Val Geddes Highland Dancing school. I also started doing more Scottish Country dancing going to classes run by a group in Sandon, Chelmsford. After the first week, they asked if I would join their demonstration team. With the team, we did many demonstrations at local events where I did both Highland and Country Dancing.
When I came back to Huddersfield I started my dancing school which I ran for about 10 years, my pupils did well at dancing competitions and championships and took BATD medal tests. Due to going through my divorce from my husband Gary and extra work commitments, I decided to close the school.
It was around this time I started dancing more with the Leeds branch and going to Branch Dances. With Leeds I have taken part in demonstrations, I was lucky enough to take part in the filming of an episode of Heatbeat for TV.
Series 10 Episode 16 - The Long Weekend around 30 mins in for 10 minsĀ - who can you spot?

After taking my RSCDS Full certificate in 1999, I started taking the advanced class and other classes for the Leeds Branch. I was pleased to dance with and coach the Ladies team who won the Newcastle festival on two occasions. I have enjoyed teaching classes and day schools and passing on my love for Scottish dancing and was honoured to go to St Petersburg, Russia to teach a 4-day course. They were very enthusiastic and I really enjoyed teaching and dancing with them.
When dancing I love it when everything comes together, music, technique etc. and you feel like you are flying.