The White Rose Festival

The White Rose festival is an outdoors dance festival organised by the Leeds branch, with teams from around the country and live music and piping.
The afternoon format is massed dancing for adults and children, highland dancing and demonstration dancing. In the evening there is a social dance with a live band.
The festival takes place at Gateways school which has excellent facilities. It is in a rural setting opposite the Harewood estate approximately 3 miles north of the Leeds city boundary on the Harrogate road.
It is easily accessible from all directions using the motorway network.
The White Rose Festival has it's own website at, there are also videos of the Leeds Branch demonstrating the White Rose dances.History
The White Rose Festival started in 1953.
For 43 years the Leeds club organised the festival, this was followed by York SCD Club for six years and then the Leeds Branch.
More details on the history of the White Rose Festival can be seen at The early years of the White Rose Festival.